Hospice in the Pines is a wonderful place to volunteer. Our volunteers are a remarkable and dedicated group of individuals and an important part of the team.
They are drawn to hospice for many reasons, yet they share a common desire—to be of service and help others at this precious time of life.
Hospice in the Pines volunteers may serve in 2 roles- Direct or Indirect Care.
As a Direct Care volunteer, ones who complete the required 16 hour training may visit patients at home or In Patient or Nursing facility setting as a companion or , support loved ones during times of grief.
Indirect Care Volunteers complete a 4 hour training to assist either at the administrative office, Joe W. Elliott House or serve as a Special Events Volunteer through special events and fundraisers. They may also represent Hospice in the Pines by speaking to community organizations about hospice services and programs.
Ways Volunteers Support Our Work
Direct Care Volunteers
Learn to provide companionship and emotional support to patients and families. Like a friendly neighbor, Volunteer Visitors or Direct Care Volunteers help take care of practical tasks or simply extend a hand to hold.
Volunteer Visitors may run errands, help prepare a meal, read to a patient, offer light massage or just share some quiet time.
Their presence can make it possible for a caregiver to take a needed break for a few hours.
Direct Care Volunteers are required to complete a 16 hour training. All volunteers must complete 12 hours of annual training.

Grief Support Volunteers
Are understanding listeners. They know that grief is a normal process that follows the death of a loved one. And, they know that each person’s experience of grief is unique.
They offer guidance through individual peer support. They also lead weekly grief groups. These volunteers serve both Hospice families and the larger community.
Staff Support Volunteers fill an important role in making sure Hospice runs smoothly and efficiently. They help with office tasks, assist with events, and deliver needed supplies to patients and families.
Direct Care Volunteers are required to complete a 16 hour training. All volunteers must complete 12 hours of annual training.
Staff Support Volunteers
Fill an important role in making sure Hospice runs smoothly and efficiently.
They help with office tasks, assist with events, and deliver needed supplies to patients and families.
Indirect or Administrative volunteers are required to complete 4 hour training. All volunteers complete 12 hours of annual training.

Speakers Bureau Volunteers
Are trained to speak with local groups about hospice care and grief support services.
They represent Hospice in the community and help answer questions about hospice care, grief support, and advance healthcare planning.